Daily report (english verison)

Hello guys, come back to my chanel eh one come back to my blogger, yaps skrng is the 6th week, on the stairs 30 april 2018, at 07:20 I came to the kitchen early this morning, the activities I do the morning this is me preparing all my attributes like napkin, apron and do not forget the tool that is always complete on take it, after that we go to kitcheb oneline at 08:30 here we are oneline and then we pray, today we no supervisor because semester 4 busy preparing food for the coming maturity, then our lecturers came screaming about his penglaman.

At 09:00 we prepare all ingredients that want to do today, today's roptation menu is 2.2 ie Thai food. It's just that group 1 is preparing and doing today, stelah the group 1 ah clean the area and help group 1, after that our group prepare prepare to make the product that catfish catfish, and the material we prepared is quite simple and why saa using catfish because the fish are rarely preferred, mangknya of it say though a catfish chips. Today I am full prepare my product.

At 14:00 all Thai cuisine is over, and our turn to do the general cleaning, but we are told to rest, that we do the general cleaning, I got a section office and library with my friend, and at 15:00 we rest while waiting for the others, and while resting we eat the results of cuisine that is made in the Thai food. And we all gather together 4th semester to eat together, really cool togetherness and compactness today, all goes well, after that at 17: we get ready to go home to each


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food terminologi

INGREDIENT (ragi,margarine,almond)